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Job Seeking

Interview Confidence: The Key to Nailing Your Next Job Opportunity

When it comes to interview preparation, everyone has their own approach. Some people prefer to walk into an interview with a relaxed, unprepared mindset, relying on their instincts and natural abilities to give their best. If you’re one of those individuals who thrives in spontaneous situations, that’s perfectly fine! However, for others, preparation is key […]

Job Seeking October 30, 2019

Motivational Letter

Sometimes, as one of the first steps in the selection process, candidates are required to present a motivational letter with their biography. Like its name says, a motivational letter should be in the form of a letter explaining your motivation to apply to that particular position. We are describing a few helpful tips that might […]

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Job Seeking October 21, 2019

A good CV is a ticket to get a job

When writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae), one should stick to the motto “less is more.” A CV should contain key items that will keep the attention of someone reading it on the information that will help you get a job. A CV should not exceed two pages, and it would be ideal if all data […]

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Leadership October 18, 2019

Leadership for Beginners

When their managerial career begins, young people encounter different types of challenges. It is not easy to be responsible for the performance and success of a team, even if it consists of only one person that we lead. Whether we want it or not, our team members have great expectations from us. There are different […]

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Job Seeking October 3, 2024

Interview Confidence: The Key to Nailing Your Next Job Opportunity

When it comes to interview preparation, everyone has their own approach. Some people prefer to walk into an interview with a relaxed, unprepared mindset, relying on their instincts and natural abilities to give their best. If you’re one of those individuals who thrives in spontaneous situations, that’s perfectly fine! However, for others, preparation is key […]

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Job Seeking July 30, 2024

Why You’re Getting Interviews But No Job Offers

Getting multiple interviews is a positive sign—your resume is making an impact, and recruiters see potential in your skills and experience. However, if you’re consistently falling short at the final hurdle, it’s time to reassess your approach. Here are some reasons why this might be happening and how you can improve your chances of landing […]

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Job Seeking July 23, 2024

Applying for Jobs and Not Getting Any Responses: Who’s to Blame?

At Jaka Lounge, we often hear that candidates with a strong background have been trying to find a new job for a long time. What seems like an almost insurmountable obstacle to them is that employers do not call them for interviews. The question that arises is how it is possible that someone with all […]

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HR admin April 9, 2024

Employment in Serbia: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, Serbia has become an increasingly attractive destination for businesses seeking to expand their operations into Eastern Europe and, more broadly, into Europe, especially for companies headquartered in the US. With its strategic location, skilled workforce, and developing regulatory environment, Serbia offers a promising opportunity for companies looking to tap into new markets […]

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Talent Development September 8, 2023

Effective Questions for Recruiters to Ask Hiring Managers

Recruiters play a vital role in bridging the gap between job seekers and hiring managers. When collaborating with hiring managers to understand and fill a new vacancy, effective communication is key. Whether you’re a seasoned recruiter or just starting out, here are essential questions to ask your hiring manager to ensure a successful recruitment process. […]

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Self-development December 28, 2022

Customer service skills – are they underrated?

I’m sure you’ve all turned to customer support at least once for help – whether it’s a search for information, a complaint, an internet problem, or something else. What experience have you had in those situations? Did the person on the other side understand your problem, solve it, and be patient and pleasant? That feeling […]

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Job Seeking November 29, 2022

How can you know that you’ve made the right decision after the job interview: cognitive biases

Nowadays, we are constantly exposed to various streams of information and expected to quickly adjust and respond to it. Being faced with such a challenging task, our cognitive system is often pressured to make shortcuts, without even consulting us. For example, you’ve probably had a colleague that just seemed a bit off at first glance […]

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Talent Attraction November 7, 2022

The key to successful cooperation between the client and the HR agency

From the perspective of a recruiter working in an HR agency, I am aware that it is not always easy to meet all the client’s expectations. Especially when in the selection process several people decide which candidate will be employed. On the other hand, from our recruiting side, it is important to get as much […]

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Job Seeking October 4, 2022

My experience: Demonstration of power during the job interview

A situation that I recently experienced myself in the process of looking for a job, and which I had heard about before from personal experience from various sources, from the stories of friends and acquaintances, and about which I read as the topic of weekly columns, psychological manuals, and various blogs, inspired me to write […]

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Talent Attraction September 16, 2022

Boost your reputation on the market : storytelling and employer branding

If you’ve ever had anything to do with recruitment, you’ve probably experienced something like this: after another long day of sourcing and reaching out to candidates, you only have a few candidates that are interested to start the process, and, honestly speaking, they are not the best fit for your company. Tired, you open the […]

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Self-development August 31, 2022

Types of employment contracts and their impact on employee well-being

By signing any contract, people commit themselves to respect a certain agreement. In many cases, signing a contract seems to be stressful for employees. No matter the company, it is important to understand the rights and obligations that we have by the Law. All the laws and regulations may seem confusing at first, so we […]

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Self-development January 26, 2021

Burnout – a modern employee disease

Too high expectations, short deadlines and consequently high pressure are more than ever part of our business everyday life in the 21st century, and at the same time, those are the most common causes of the burnout syndrome. If you have a job where you are chronically under stress and you do not have adequate […]

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Job Seeking January 21, 2021

Job interview – what should be learned by the end of an interview?

During job search and the selection process, it is often the case that candidates are left confused after an interview because of unresolved concerns, or they realise there are questions they should have asked, but they forgot. Also, there are often questions like “what should and what shouldn’t be asked on an interview” that make […]

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Job Seeking January 19, 2021

Questions that employers must not ask during a job interview

There are some topics that should not be discussed during the job interview. Topics such as religion, sexual orientation, nationality, race, political beliefs and other very personal topics should not be the subject of interest of your prospective employer. The reason for this is to protect candidates from discrimination. Discrimination is unequal treatment of a […]

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Leadership January 15, 2021

Micromanagement – The secret of how to get rid of it

When a manager does not trust the capacities of his team, they begin to take over the responsibilities that should be delegated. Or they need to check each step that each team member takes. Hence, slowly, they become overwhelmed with tasks to the extent that they do not physically achieve to do the key things […]

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Job Seeking January 14, 2021

Inform yourself about the company you are applying for before you go to a job interview

Many candidates are not aware that an introductory question “What do you know about our company?” is actually trickier than a lot of others that are suspected to be. It is no secret that employers are flattered when candidates are interested in working at their company. However, this is not the only reason why an […]

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Education November 13, 2020

Feedback as the key to successful communication

Date: November 26th, 2020 from 18-20h Location: Zoom online Nowadays, feedback is considered an indispensable element of successful communication – with its help we gain insight into our behaviour, performance and if we use it in a good way, it can certainly help us in further progress and personal development. We are often overwhelmed by […]

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Job Seeking November 12, 2020

The etiquette of finding a job

Graduating from university is often one of the most beautiful moments in young people’s lives, and it also marks the beginning of a new chapter that can carry many doubts and ambiguities with it that are rarely talked about. Searching for a job can be an exhausting process that often requires a lot of time, […]

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Education September 11, 2020

Stress Management Online Training

Date: September 30th, 2020 from 11-13h Location: Zoom online Different life circumstances and unexpected events can lead to stress, and potentially health problems and daily functioning. Most of us are taught to fight stress and use different strategies to reduce stress, but what if we’ve been taught wrong? What if we’re not supposed to fight […]

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Talent Development August 28, 2020

Can we be a bit dissatisfied and very satisfied with our job at the same time?

Frederick Irving Herzberg was an American psychologist who became famous with his clarification and invention of the term “job enrichment” in 1968. This is one of the first attempts to design employees’ job in a way to include interesting and challenging tasks whose performance should lead to improving employees’ skills, and consequentially to the increase […]

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Job Seeking March 5, 2020

Lunch or Coffee Interview – A Quick Guide

Congratulations! Being invited to lunch means that you have reached the finals of the selection process. If a potential employer decided to invite you to lunch, it means that you have made an excellent impression so far and that they are seriously considering offering you a position within the team. This is not an uncommon […]

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Education February 6, 2020

New Leaders Training – The Mindset of A Leader

Date: February 28th, 2020 from 09.00AM until 05.00PM Location: Jaka Lounge, 44 Niška, Vračar, Belgrade (entrance from Loznička street, 1st floor) What will you learn? How do adults learn, and why is understanding of the learning process essential for every leader? How do we perceive our habits and are they restraint or an incentive for team […]

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Job Seeking January 30, 2020

Practical tips for a scheduled job interview

After receiving an invitation for a job interview, it is essential to prepare yourself for that and think in advance about different little things that can colour the whole interview experience. An interview itself can cause anxiety, nervousness, so make an effort to ease yourself and prevent anxiety about things that you can influence. Pay […]

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Job Seeking January 16, 2020

8 pieces of advice for finding your first job

Graduating from school represents the end of a fairly careless period for many people, and the process of finding a job or an internship can be very stressful. To make this process a bit easier, we provide tips that might be helpful when you are looking for job ads which you would like to apply […]

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Job Seeking December 19, 2019

Tests used during the selection process

Tests used during the selection process often create a mystification and are often part of a process that candidates fear and whose purpose they do not understand best. In order to clarify the concerns, we have listed in the following lines some of the tests most commonly used during the selection process: Aptitude and knowledge […]

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Self-development December 12, 2019

Have you thought about a change in your career path?

Nowadays, it is quite common for people to make a complete change in a career direction and make a shift to a new occupation. The speed under which so many new job roles are opened and the availability of jobs on a remote basis globally have inspired people for a change. Usually, this happens in […]

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Job Seeking December 5, 2019

How to present yourself on your first job interview

In whatever stage of your career, a job interview is the most common event that causes jitters and requires preparation. However, it is rare when this event is as stressful as when it comes to an interview for our first job. Graduates or students in search of jobs other than the standard “How will I […]

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Job Seeking November 28, 2019

Tricky Questions at Job Interviews

During an interview, we as recruiters generally do not ask tricky questions, although candidates often seem to think the opposite. That is precisely why we would like to clarify what an intention lays behind certain questions that candidates are most often hesitant about how to answer and ask if there is an accurate answer. What […]

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Talent Development November 22, 2019

Millennials, a new challenge for HR

In one of his speeches, organizational consultant Simon Sinek points out that the generation of millennials is characterized by a need to “making an impact”. In a few years, members of this generation, composed of people born between 1980 and 1995, will make 50% of the global workforce and it is important to consider how […]

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Job Seeking November 8, 2019

How to deal with jitters before a job interview?

The process of finding a job at some moments can be exhausting, stressful, and with a lot of doubts that accompany it. Candidates who are beginners in this process often feel lost and discouraged, and jitters are a very frequent companion of job interviews. Jitters are a kind of fear that occurs in situations when […]

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Job Seeking November 8, 2019

Get a job with a LinkedIn profile

For anyone who starts looking for a job, the first or a new one, a profile on LinkedIn can help a lot, but only if it is properly made and visible. LinkedIn is a global social network intended for business people. In addition to employees, many companies have official pages there, and therefore, in addition […]

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Job Seeking October 30, 2019

How to prepare for a job interview?

There is plenty of advice on how to prepare for a job interview, but we often do not pay enough attention to one aspect of this process that may be crucial for a job to be obtained. When interviewing candidates for a specific job, recruiters always analyze the motivation of each person for that particular […]

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Job Seeking October 30, 2019

The phenomenon with which we encounter more frequently – Ghosting

The term “ghosting” was connected in the past to the sudden interruption of personal connection – between partners or friends. It represents an act of unannounced and unexpected termination of any contact in person, through a phone or social networks, without any explanation. Another person remains deprived of an explanation, and that reflects on the […]

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Job Seeking October 30, 2019

Motivational Letter

Sometimes, as one of the first steps in the selection process, candidates are required to present a motivational letter with their biography. Like its name says, a motivational letter should be in the form of a letter explaining your motivation to apply to that particular position. We are describing a few helpful tips that might […]

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Job Seeking October 21, 2019

A good CV is a ticket to get a job

When writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae), one should stick to the motto “less is more.” A CV should contain key items that will keep the attention of someone reading it on the information that will help you get a job. A CV should not exceed two pages, and it would be ideal if all data […]

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Leadership October 18, 2019

Leadership for Beginners

When their managerial career begins, young people encounter different types of challenges. It is not easy to be responsible for the performance and success of a team, even if it consists of only one person that we lead. Whether we want it or not, our team members have great expectations from us. There are different […]

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