After being in one company for a long time, job change can be particularly stressful. Things are always rapidly changing, so the market is probably entirely different to what it was during your last selection process. Is my skill set relevant for other companies? What will the selection process look like now? How will I manage being interviewed after such a long time? Will the hiring managers think that I am not ambitious enough after being in one position for so long? These are just some of the normal questions you may have.

Jaka Lounge consultants understand the strength it takes to take a leap after being in one place for a while. To help you to take a steo forward, we’ve created a package tailored to your needs.

With the Career Revival Basic Package, you will:

  • Gain market insights–You will get insights on top companies, the usual criteria for selection, and the climate in your chosen field. Our consultants have experience with numerous industries and companies on the market and will provide you with the necessary overview.
  • Identify your strengths and opportunities and define goals accordingly–We will organize counseling session(s) to help you reflect on your experience and identify key strengths that you could communicate to your potential employers. Taking these, alongside the market opportunities, we will define goals together.
  • Say goodbye to the interview nerves–Understandably, interviewing after a long time can be quite stressful. You will go through an interview simulation with us, gaining insights into what you can expect and into the employer’s perspective.
  • Get a killer CV and Motivational Letter–Being in one position/company for a prolonged period can be considered a plus with many future employers. However, it can also lead them to think that your skill set is limited. Therefore, it is crucial to present the full range of projects you’ve worked on, as well as your entire skill set. We will use our knowledge and experience from countless selection processes to create a compelling story about your strengths, experiences, and aspirations.

 And, if you want to go above and beyond, our consultants can help you with the Career Revival Advanced Package:

  • Job search support: Job searching is often overwhelming, especially when you haven’t been active in the market for a while. Tracking ads on various channels, filtering them, and applying requires dedication and constant alertness. Delegate this to our professionals, whose experience enables them to quickly and effectively navigate through it all.
  • Additional counseling sessions: If you are interested in working on yourself in more depth, we can organize additional counseling sessions. In these sessions, we use some of the Cognitive Behavioral Techniques to uncover thinking patterns and behaviors that may hold you back, as well as your intrinsic motivation that can act as a meaningful propellant. Of course, we can adjust additional sessions to anything specific you may need.

Revive your career and get ready for a leap—contact us today! We’re excited to help you succeed.


  • Career Revival Basic Package: €440
  • Career Revival Advanced Package: €580 (Includes applications for 2 job ads and 1 counseling session)

*The middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of billing will be applied.