Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Being aware that a high-quality recruitment and selection process requires professionalism and high commitment, employers often decide to outsource this to external providers who will take care of this process from A to Z and adjust it to employer’s needs.
Complete process of recruitment and selection includes an analysis of employer’s needs, creation of job descriptions and job ads, publishing job ads, analysis of CVs gathered through various job portals, direct contacting of prospective candidates, active search for candidates through different social media, interviewing of candidates, testing, reference check with candidates’ previous employers, preparation of detailed reports on each vetted candidate, advising clients regarding a final decision of the best candidates, and finally, the induction process which will help a newcomer faster adjust to a new team and company.
Through a partner relationship with our clients, we create processes by which we stimulate companies to attract and keep the right talents, all following clients’ business development plans and actual changes on the market.
Full cycle recruitment & selection
Recruitment and selection process starts when the requirement for a specific vacancy has been defined and when we understood the needs of a hiring manager. When we have an appropriate job description, we need to understand additional requirements and characteristics which an ideal candidate should have. Understanding a company’s culture and values is an additional factor which will help a recruiter to describe a company to candidates, and find the best solution for both sides.
Talent sourcing
Search for candidates through various sources like databases, social media, online groups with subscribed profiles interested in a specific theme, with use of different recruitment tools and direct contacts are just some of many recruitment channels that we use to attract talents. Talent sourcing, as a service, could include only sourcing of candidates so a company could have better insight into the market, and it could include proactive contacting of candidates for open positions or for those which are planned in the future.
CV & telephone screening and interviewing of candidates
A detailed analysis of received CVs of candidates who applied having seen job ads could be an exhausting process because it sometimes requires a review of several hundreds of applications. In order to be fair to all candidates who applied and not to miss an adequate CV amongst a vast amount of received applications, it is necessary to read all of them, which can often take companies a lot of time. Our consultants have rich experience in this process, so they will conduct preselection of candidates in the best possible way and select suitable applications for further steps.
In some cases, we conduct telephone screening of candidates before we schedule interviews. This type of approach speeds up the process of reaching the best possible candidate – we do not waste time on scheduling interviews risking that a scheduled candidate might not show up, and through a brief conversation we will check whether a candidate fulfils key selection requirements (e.g. language knowledge, motivation for concrete vacancy, check-up of details which are not mentioned in a CV).
A detailed analysis of previous experience and competencies needed for a particular vacancy is conducted during an interview with a recruiter. An interview could be held at Jaka Lounge’s or client’s premises if the circumstances allow that. It is quite usual to interview candidates through online channels like Skype or Zoom, and we could set up video interviewing for the preselection part of the process where a candidate will give answers to predetermined questions and could be recorded for later analysis.
Assessment of interviewed candidates ends with the preparation of final reports on the general impression a candidate left during an interview, their expertise and motivation for a vacancy.
Candidates’ assessment consists of a detailed interview with a candidate together with different testing depending on a position and selection criteria. In consultation with a client and after analysing competencies needed for the successful performance of a particular job, we define the types of tests and assessments that will be implemented.
Tests that are part of the vetting process can be oriented towards the assessment of cognitive abilities (general cognitive capability, numerical reasoning, attention, memory, etc.), as well as the assessment of personality and motivation.
In conjunction with tests, a competency-based interview (CBI) will offer a more detailed insight into the skills, knowledge and abilities of candidates.
Assessment centres can be applied when a rapid assessment of a large number of applicants is needed. This type of assessment includes different tools that facilitate insight into the behaviour, knowledge and abilities of candidates (case studies, role-playing, group exercises, individual tasks – in-tray exercises).
Recruitment Strategy
With a thorough analysis of company’s needs, we will create the adequate strategy that will attract and keep talents, as well as an effective recruitment & selection process that fits into a company’s mission especially when a company is in major growth.
Talent Acquisition Services

Employer Branding
What do people think, feel, and share about your company as a place to work? We can help!
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Executive Search
Let’s find the best possible candidates for your key positions together.
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