Blended Recruitment
Sometimes companies with internal recruitment teams decide to engage external professionals who take over some or more parts of the recruitment and selection process. This often happens in situations when a company wants to increase the efficiency and quality of the internal team’s work and to reduce team expenses.
Depending on the client’s needs, and in close collaboration with the internal recruitment team, we create the best solution that will improve the recruitment and selection process. Jaka Lounge recruitment and selection consultants will take over that part of the process that is not supported internally by the company in the best way, and create strategic solutions to improve the process by enhancing company’s employer branding, effective working force planning and enhancing tools for evaluation and follow up of candidates.
Talent Acquisition Services

Employer Branding
What do people think, feel, and share about your company as a place to work? We can help!
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Executive Search
Let’s find the best possible candidates for your key positions together.
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